Govt. Orders

S/N Order_No. Date. Subject
1 2/122/2017-1IW15.06.2020Appointment of TA
2 2/185/2018-1IW04.02.2020Appointment of Non-Official Member II
3 2/185/2018-1IW30.05.2019Appointment of Non-Official Member I
4 2/190/2018-1IW13.08.2020Office Accommodation Committee Order
5 2/27/2020-1IW26.02.2020Administrative Order regarding Power of EVC,HPWWMA
6 2/63/2018-1IW11.08.2020The Technical Committee Order
7 2/63/2018-1IW28.04.2020Revised Executive Committee
8 2/63/2018-1IW18.04.2019Link Officers
9 2/63/2018-1IW20.09.2018DPMO Nomination Notification

Technical Papers

S/N Date Subject
1 01.03.2019 Checklist Regarding Preparation of Estimates (IWRD)
2 05.06.2020 Guidelines for the Estimates
3 10.05.2019 Indicative Guidelines for Restoration of Water Bodies
4 31.01.2019 Checklist Regarding Preparation of Estimates (PR-PW)
5 - General Standards for Waste Water
6 - CPCB Water Quality Criteria
7 - BIS (ISI) Water Quality Standards for Classifying Surface Water Sources
8 - List of Components of Model Pond
9 - Algae Control Methods to Prevent Algal Blooms - LG Sonic
10 - Control and Treatment _ Nutrient Pollution Policy and Data _ US EPA
11 - Centeral Ground Water Board Haryana
12 - Liquid waste Management in Rural Area
13 - Maintainance schedule of liquid waste management in rural areas
14 - Rules prohibiting construction near water bodies - The Hindu
15 - Illustrative examples for design of "Sullage Stabilization Ponds System"
16 - Solid and Liquid Waste Management in Rural Area